e: peter @ peterfrankl .com.au
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Information provided to buyers is not verified or audited. This should form part of a buyer's due diligence. No warranty as to accuracy is given nor should it be assumed. Only historical information is provided and occasionally financial analysis of historical information. Peter Frankl Pty Ltd and its staff cannot and do not make any projections or predictions about the future performance of any practice.
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Vendors consent to Peter Frankl Pty Ltd providing identifying information to prospective buyers who have signed a confidentiality agreement.
Clients of Advisory and Valuation Services:
All services are provided under a general disclaimer as follows and a more specific disclaimer as provided for each assignment.
When preparing an opinion about valuation it is not possible to take into account each individual's tax and personal financial circumstances. Accordingly, before acting on any opinion contained in this report, I recommend that you contact your financial and tax adviser for advice specific to your circumstances.
This report is not a substitute for proper due diligence, which is required to verify the facts on which the report is based. Nor does it profess to make any claims as to the success of any planned investment or divestment. This analysis accepts the possibility of all outcomes of success and failure. No guarantee or warranty is provided for achieving estimates or projections used in this analysis.
The financial information on which this report is based has been provided to me. No independent inquiries or audit has been conducted to verify or guarantee the correctness of this information and I make no representation as to its accuracy.
Save for any statutory liability which cannot be excluded, I and Peter Frankl Pty Ltd further disclaim all responsibility for any loss or damage which may be suffered by any person relying upon such information or any opinions, conclusions or recommendations herein whether that loss or damage is caused by any fault or negligence on my (or my company’s) part or otherwise.
This disclaimer extends to any entity which may distribute this opinion and in which I, Peter Frankl, have an interest. This report has been prepared by Peter Frankl Pty Ltd.
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Peter Frankl Pty Ltd has successfully operated for more than 22 years because it treats all information, regardless of source, as private and confidential. Your reputation is our reputation.